I am having trouble seeing that King County recognizes that federal way is the third-largest city in the county, and it seems that are only connection with the county is that the Metro buses dumps every bit of traffic off at 320th.
Where are the County offices to help federal way? What is being done to help the Federal Way area businesses to recover from the months of construction for the buses which killed numerous businesses within 2 miles of the bus station?
It seems to me that the South King County is just not being serviced by the county itself. Perhaps you can show me how we are being served by the number of King County employees who are working in federal way, and exactly what jobs they are doing. Thank you for answering this post.
March 10, 2011 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
The City of Federal Way just elected a bright, intelligent STRONG Mayor with a decent paycheck. Why not ask Mr. Priest for a solution to your needs. The City of Federal Way must tackle issues like jobs and serving its residents. As a resident of unincorporated King County I need service from my County and do not want my taxes used to supplement City needs.
March 11, 2011 1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Lets see, we the people are the government, so shouldn't the government be looking out for the people? And isn't that what it's doing when it creates viable transportation choices? If someone, or group of folks wants to start, or run a business, great. They are free to do so. But why should our government (we the people) take second seat? Lets remember, were all in this together. Lets work together, not against each other.
March 18, 2011 5:48 PM
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